debraford123's BLOGSPOT

Breaking News, Photoblogging, Preventive Measures,Art, Writing, Music, New Artists, Indies, Articles, Computer Tips, DEBWEB updates, El Paso, Reviews, Discussion, Articles, HTML, Layouts, Archives, and other Topics written by Debra Ford

My Photo
Location: El Paso, Texas, United States

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Weather officially added to

Weather has been added to the site The first week of August 2006. The old method of importing weather feeds has been discontinued due to the slow loading of the pages with that method.

Three main weather pages have been added.

The main "General" weather page is which will bring up the index page. Local Forecast for your city can be obtained by typing your city name in the prompt box at the top of the weather section. The initial page is centered on El Paso, Texas for warnings and forcasts. Navigation to the various weather topics can be accesed there.

For Regional Satellite imagery is located at Links to local region radar maps can be reached at a link on that page.
For Local Region Radar page

There are links back her from the site.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Unseasonably Cool and Rainy in the Desert City El Paso - Flooding and Sink Holes

Unseasonably Cool and Rainy in the Desert City El Paso - Flooding and Sink Holes- 16color
Originally uploaded by 123flickr.

While many cities in the U.S. are having temperatures near 100 degrees, El Paso, Texas which is familiar with higher temperatures is cooler than normal. Monsoonal thunderstorms. Green Elementary School recorded 7.75 inches on Tuesday.
The Rio Grand reached it's highest recorded levels since the late 50's. The river's levees being 11-12 feet high recorded surge flood wave at 9.3 feet on Tuesday. The last week of two weeks have exceeded the normal annual precipitation rate on several occasions in a single day.
8-1-06 .
Street flooding submerged cars at the intersection of Pasiano and Executive Center. Boaters were photographed along Gateway West. Gateway was closed between Copia and downtown. A truck was lifted by flood waters and toppled on it's side behind West Side Flower shop. Pebbles rocks and mud washed onto roads and highways.

Sections of roads crumbled on North Desert Boulevard as the ground was eroded by rushing waters flowing out of the overflowing arroyos in West El Paso.

Mudslide caused street closings in Central El Paso Tue at Alabama St. near Fort Blvd. North Mesa was closed in 3 places because of sinkholes at Sunland Park Drive, Thunderbird and near Alto Mesa.

Other news stories on the area's recent waether related events from the El Paso Times are:

More local stories
300 remain in shelters after evacuations.
Streets director says cleanup, repairs to cost city millions
Homeowners seek relief for damage
'It looks like we dodged a bullet...;' river levees hold
Men accused of looting damaged Blockbuster
Apparent drowning victim found
Standing water hinders Canutillo cleanup
Storm-water lake at Eastwood is dangerous
Some schools say damage is extensive
The storm, from Tuesday to Wednesday

The information on the chart was obtained from local news sources, email alerts, and weather information which originates at NOAA.

This image was stored as a 16 color bitmap reducing the size of the image from 7mb to a 520kb (bmp) image. Upon uploading to flickr the image was converted to a jpg image and stored. It was created using very basic tools found in most simple image editor software programs.

This image is stored at flickr and you can visit the flickr page by clicking the image. This will also be found available at in the future. As a news related item this image will be posted at other blogs for debraford123

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Art_Drawing_Pencil - sketch "Marla's Acupuncture Points" - by Debra Ford

It was drawn into a sketchbook in 2000. As part of personal exercises for the effects of shadows shadings and fine line details using the "H Series" pencils, these drawings were done as "practice sketches" for personal growth as an artist. This was a hard lead sketch using leads varying from 2H to 9H ( 7h in this case) and the "F" pencil. The lower numbers produce a thicker and darker line. The higher numbers in the "H" series produce a lighter line and very fine lines may be produced when properly sharpened.

This subject was chosen because the photograph in the magazine article had nice shadow elements making it easier to do a pencil drawing. It is a general policy of the artist "not to draw real people." So people were done as sketches in personal books rather than as individual pieces of art.

The drawing was done partially in New Orleans and partially in Houston while traveling in the year 2000

This is a shot to show greater detail. Remember these are all degraded images due to the series of capture methods used. The original scan was made at 600x600 dots per inch in 2000 of an area 11"x14" (17) and then printed to an 8.5"x11" page. All images on this page are from recent rescans of the printed images at 300X300 or 256x256 . The lower is from an enlarged area of the "re-scan" done in 2006 (from the private art & print collection of RLP)all screen shots were on this page were imported into mspaint for basic editing and annotation.

This is a "screen shot" of the greyscale scan to more closely mimic the original pencil shadings. The reflective nature of the gel ink affected the entire image during capture/ scanning. The pink hues in the color image is a combination of this effect and printer inks cartridges being low on ink ( as was the case during the original print session in 2006)

The stripe is what happens when you spent way less than you should have for your replacement scanner.

This image is not intended for commercial usage under any circumstances.
