debraford123's BLOGSPOT

Breaking News, Photoblogging, Preventive Measures,Art, Writing, Music, New Artists, Indies, Articles, Computer Tips, DEBWEB updates, El Paso, Reviews, Discussion, Articles, HTML, Layouts, Archives, and other Topics written by Debra Ford

My Photo
Location: El Paso, Texas, United States

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
This is a flash enabled site. Year 4 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire official page. There are trailers and online games, a photo gallery, downloads of icons, walpapers and screensavers, soundtrack, and message boards and links to years 1-3 (the st 3 movies)

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Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix

Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix
This link takes you to the official site for the 5th year movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." sections include a short preview on the home age, a synopsis, a gallery, a poster, and a section called year four (which links to the previous movie).

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Featured Music Pages for Guitarists

From a Youtube Friends Bulletin:

Date:February 23, 2007, 02:41 AM

Subject: Guitar player videos have been added to my website


Those of you who have guitar videos and are in my favorites list have been added to a playlist for guitar players at my website.

Other members in my favorites are found in my vlog and are also available at my Google Pages. So, even though you don't get many messages from me I am continuing to promote you and build video pages by category. It may take a while to do featured pages on the individual Musicians, as I want to do articles on the musicians especially upcoming groups. The featured artist pages will include famous groups and unknowns. Your chances of getting a featured page increases if you have posted links to your sites or some sort of background information online. If you haven't done this and wish to be featured you have to take the initiative to contact me at some point in time.


Added Note: You do not have to have a YouTube account to be featured. I also have an account at Live Video and Music Nation where I can be contacted, but not necessarily as soon as you might like . As long as the videos you have were uploaded and approved for embedding by a member of the band to a site which supports shared embeds your video can be considered. If you do not have any videos, but, have a band or music page and want to be reviewed it is still possible. I traditionally only accept emails through the network communities. If you aren't a member of any of the same networks as myself then you should consider being a member of the general network you want to be promoted on & send information to my network profile email. Random emails to my personal email account will be filtered out unless I have personally given you that information, and put you in my address book.

Send web site links, information on the band, maybe old flyers or copies of local news clippings or anything you think someone might be able to use to write an fresh story on your band, but only after I have acknowledged your first contact. You really should have a link to a site where I can hear what the band sounds like. My sites are for all ages, so bands with strong language or inappropriate lyrics won't be considered. Please understand, there should be with some sort of contact information so I can verify that you are not a poser.

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Music Added to Video Using Audio Swap

a YouTube Bulletin
Date: March 12, 2007, 08:39 PM

Subject: I added Audio to my silly "footsteps" video

I tried out the new "Audio Swap" feature at YouTube and added pre-approved music to the video. If any of you are on the list for approved music swap list let me know and I will check you out. I have 6 flight videos that I will be adding and some art videos which will show up soon and I will put music backgrounds for those.

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The Daily & Sunday Star

The Daily & Sunday Star: "48 hours to vacate homes
By Joan Davis and Lil Mirando

Daily Star Staff Writers

Federal agents descended on the Federal Emergency Management Agency trailer park off Old Baton Rouge Highway Friday afternoon and told the residents that they had 48 hours to pack up and leave."

For the rest of the story go to

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