debraford123's BLOGSPOT

Breaking News, Photoblogging, Preventive Measures,Art, Writing, Music, New Artists, Indies, Articles, Computer Tips, DEBWEB updates, El Paso, Reviews, Discussion, Articles, HTML, Layouts, Archives, and other Topics written by Debra Ford

My Photo
Location: El Paso, Texas, United States

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays, originally uploaded by 123flickr.

This holiday card was made at Rock you originally as an embeddable gadget to post on webpages, blogs, comments.
After embedding the gadget into my 123friendster blog I just liked the look so I decided to use it as my Christmas card here. And I understand that everyone does not recognize Christmas as their holiday. I still want to wish peace and joy to all of you no matter what holiday you celebrate this season or in the near to distant future.

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Friday, December 15, 2006

updated post - Bejewled play it online or download Bejeweled 2

Update 2012: The game is no longer on my site. Nor are the downloads available there... boy oh boy everything changes ( including this entire blog posting) Okay, I have bought this game so I can play it even offline. There is a bejewled Blitz at Facebook apps and you can get a download of the full game through the game page I do believe. So, this particular blog entry is probably seeming to be idiotic and senseless after I deleted all the links and pictures etc. so you may wonder why I did not just delete the entry. Well ........ there is an archived copy in stored pages saved by search engines with a lot of broken links and the 404 link responses. So, the only way to get rid of the broken stored links is to just update the page and let it archive again .... see ... I'm not completely crazy.

Okay, I do not have a game space anymore... that is history sign of the internet times - a - changing. So the links will be slowly removed strating in 2012. And boy are they all over the web. I still support the same games and all of my reviews will be slowly changed omitting the prior affiliations...because things just change. So ignore, links to game download trials from me, until, I announce it in a new blog dated 2012 or later. The links at the bottom of this post should be still good....hahaha...well there are a bunch of pages at my google site pages that site which are

Bejeweled 2 :

Download the Installer for the 60 minute trial of Bejeweled 2 (sorry not here)
DEBWEBGAMES at 360 profile and blog are also gone as there is no such thing as a 360 blog anymore. The new yahoo blogs and profiles require to repost everything and so there are hundreds of entries which may or may not be reposted by myself elsewhere in 2012

DebraFord123'sGoogle Pages :
- Shared Blog Feeds - Weather - News - Communication - Tools - Video - 123online - Communication -
Other Online games to play now:
Hangman - Pac Man - Soduku - Invaders - Crossword Puzzles - Sliding Numbers - Blocks for newer pages

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Video - Anna Bessonova (URK) Hoop Apparatus Finals

See videos: Video playlist can be found at my YouTube Profile

This is an excellent event and if you haven't seen it placing a search for "Hoop Apparatus" should turn up some nice videos. The video originally posted here has been deleted. Unfortunately, there are many people who have posted videos without authorizations and the accounts get deleted leaving empty video players.. But, if you like unique and wonderful performances you should try to find some video on this performer or this category:

Anna Bessonova (URK) Hoop Apparatus Finals
Points: 27.750, 1st place
Berlin Masters Grand Prix 2003

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

MYSPACE IM Features - a Safer Login

MYSPACE IM Features  - a Safer Login
MYSPACE IM Features - a Safer Login, originally uploaded by 123flickr.

Logging in using the MySpace Instant messenger allows you to avoid the "Fake Login Pages"

Downloading Cell Phone Pictures to Your Computer

Make sure to get your drivers from your cell phone manufacturer or an authorized dealer.
Warning: Do not get your driver from a site that says "we'll give you a driver if you upload a driver". Uploading a driver is in most cases a direct violation of your end user agreements. Those who request this know this and don't care. But, once they have the software they can edit it and pass out drivers with viruses and worms. Know who you are dealing with whenever you install a driver. If you can't afford the driver just wait.

You can also upload your pictures saved to your yahoo photo albums to your cell phone without a driver. And there are many places to get stuff for your phone online for free.

But, look into your cell phone manufacturer's site and see what is available for your phone model. Also you can save about 15 dollars if you buy an assortment of different sized blue tooth adapters for your cables for about $5 and up depending on where you shop. Chances are that each time you need a special cable for a device someone is willing to sell you the cable for 19.99 - You don't want to go that route. Buy the cable adapter, and the money you save on cables you can use to get software.

This screenshot was edited in mspaint. The picture size is 65kb. The background was the selected desktop background selected on my computer. This is a simple technique easy to do even by those with older windows systems which are equipped with mspaint..

IE7 and yahoo toolbar with Messenger

This shot shows the types of choices available on the Yahoo toolbar which you can customize and the multiple different toolbars that can be used on IE7 browser at the same time.

Fake Myspace Login link found in bulletins

Sometimes you just have to delete a friend because of their bulletins. The user was an educated person that had a simple page with pictures of family and friends and vacations. The bulletins, however, were all links to gift cards, ring tones, dating sites, porn sites, page trackers and Oh Yeah...FAKE MYSPACE Login Pages. Well, if you post bulletins that say meet hot chicks with links to porn and put me in your top spots, Then I probably am going to delete you anyway from my friends list.. But attempting to steal people's passwords is a ZERO Tolerance issue.

With the recent rash of bulletin hijackings it is possible that the posts were not made by that user. Then again the person who actually does this would lie if you asked them...wouldn't they? If the poster is innocent then their page won't get deleted and they will learn to look for "bulletins I posted" in the menu to make sure that no fake bulletins are being posted. And if that is the case they can re invite me as friends when the problem is cleared up. But it doesn't look good if the bulletins you claimed to post are spam and the one you claim you didn't post is a fake login page..

Additionally, be responsible if you post a link you got from somewhere test the links in your bulletin post after you submit it. Be the first to know where your links really go, especially if you choose the ever poplar feature, post this to bulletin. Also use a unique password at myspace that you don't use on other sites. Unscrupulous persons who have login sites may take the chance that you use the same passwords and email at myspace. They can easily generate a program that tries the password and email combinations that thy have collected to attempt to login at myspace or your email accounts.
